Show your neighbours your knickers. I've got used to literally hanging my laundry out in public, albeit clean of course!

Since living in Spain I've discovered new kitchen contraptions, I've used household items that I never used in the UK (mop & bucket comes to mind) and developed an affection for dated furniture, confusing door bells and bidets.
I've got used to literally hanging my laundry out in public, albeit clean of course! But I still miss a good wall to wall carpet when winter arrives.
Having lived in five different properties during my years in Spain I've noticed many interesting little idiosyncrasies of apartment living in Madrid.
In this episode I look at the differences between Spanish homes and homes in the UK and USA.
Forget the vacuum cleaner, the mop and bucket is favoured in Spain as most floors are tiled or parquet. Carpet? Don´t even go there. Spaniards consider it... well, a bit grubby.

Nothing worse than flat hunting or visiting somone´s house for the first time and being faced with this. Confused?

The bidet. For soaking your dirty socks.

Chances are that in Spain you source of gas will be one of these ´bombonas´. A common sight is one of these trucks clanking down the street delivering fresh bottles and collecting the empties.

The Thermomix. No Spanish kitchen is complete without one. It mixes and cooks at the same time!

This is a ´fresquera´- a cupboard with no back to keep your food chilled.
