'Duende' is a dirty word among flamenco artists!
In this episode I'm talking Flamenco, that unmistakable Spanish art form, some might argue the very quintessence of Spain.

Listen in as I attend a flamenco dance class for professional 'bailaoras' or flamenco dancers given by Belén López at Madrid's Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española Amor de Dios, a prestigious dance school.
While I was there I met up with friend and professional flamenco dancer Lia Grainger who runs her own professional flamenco ensemble Fin de Fiesta Flamenco.
In this episode Lia explains the different aspects of flamenco, dance, music and singing, we look at the history and origins of the art form and she runs through some specifics of flamenco dancing.

I also find out why the often bandied about term 'duende' is a dirty word among flamenco artists! We also look at how to find a good live flamenco show in Spain and mention La Guía Flama as a useful resource to find out what's going on in the flamenco world. Olé!
