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Think blue flowerpots of vibrant geranium flowers of every colour imaginable. White washed houses, the scent of orange blossom drifting through the streets, tranquil patios, trickling fountains and the sound of a distant guitar.

This week we´re heading to Códoba´s annual Fiesta de los Patios or Courtyard Festival - virtually of course. And joining us we have an expert guide, Karen Rosenblum, who many of you may remember joined me on the podcast episode about our favourite Madrid streets. Karen had a tour of the patios organised for this year but of course sadly had to cancel it.
So, we thought why not take you there virtually!
In the episode we also visit Córdoba´s Mezquita and Alcázar and of course talk about food.

Cordoba´s Patios Festival takes place every year during the first week of May and is a long standing tradition of the city of Cordoba. Patios really means courtyards and the festival celebrates the art of elaborately decorating courtyards with hundreds of colourful flowers and plants.

Since the first patios event in 1918, the Cordobeses have been cultivating and caring for their patios every day. These secret courtyards are privately owned, hidden behind the homes, doors and walls of the city, but for one week of the year they are opened to the public, who can come and enjoy the beauty of the flowers, plants and architecture.

Check out other virtual Códoba Patios Festival events in Karen´s Travel Spain! Facebook group
Karen´s Spain Less Traveled Website
Patio Routes
Info on the Patio Festival
Restaurante Casa Mazal -